Citation |
Guo Daoyi. “Mei Niang: Bu shi yong mei sheng yong mei” (Mei Niang: This Isn’t an ‘Ode to the Plum,’ It’s Better Than an ‘Ode to the Plum’) in Zhang Quan, ed. Xunzhao Mei Niang (Searching For Mei Niang). Beijing: Mingjing chubanshe, 1998, pp. 47-56. |
Zhang Quan. ed. Xunzhao Mei Niang (Searching For Mei Niang). Beijing: Mingjing chubanshe, 1998. |
Zhong Dazhong. “‘Nan Ling Bei Mei’ de ‘Mei’” (The ‘Mei’ of “The South has Zhang Ailing, the North has Mei Niang’) in Zhang Quan, ed. Xunzhao Mei Niang (Searching For Mei Niang). Beijing: Mingjing chubanshe, 1998, pp. 60-63. |
Liu Aihua. “Gudu de tiaowu: Dongbei luxian shiqi nüxing zuojia qunti xiaoshuo lun” (The Lonely Dance: A Discussion of the Colonial Fiction of Women Writers from the Northeast Enemy Occupation Period). Beijing: Beijing shifan daxue, 1999. |
Sun Zhongtian, Feng Zengyu, Huang Wanhua and Liu Aihua. Liaokao xia de Miu Si: Dongbei lunxian qu wenxue shigang (The Shackled Miu Si: Historical Outline of the Literature of the Northeast Occupied Territories). Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe, 1999. |
Wang Zheng. Women in the Chinese Enlightenment: Oral and Textual Histories. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. |
Qian Liqun et al. ed. Zhongguo lunxian qu wenxue daxi: pinlun juan 中國淪陷區文學大系: 評論卷. Nanning: Guangxi jiaoyu chuban she, 1999. |
Sandler, Stephanie, ed. Rereading Russian Poetry. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999. |
Huo Koizumi 胡昶古泉, Takeshi Yokochi 横地剛, transl.《満映 : 国策映画の諸相》東京: 現代書館, 1999. |
Takeshi Yamaguchi 山口猛. 《哀愁の満州映画 : 満州国に咲いた活動屋たちの世界》東京: 三天書房, 2000. |
Hideki Okada 岡田英樹《文学にみる「満洲国」の位相》東京 : 東京研文出版, 2000. |
Bakich, Olga. “Emigre Identity, the Case of Harbin.” The South Atlantic Quarterly 99, no. 1 (2000): 51-73. |
Zhang Yumao. “Ping Changye yinghuo” (A Critique of Fireflies of the Long Night). In Zhang Yumao, Zhe tuan huo, zhe zhen feng (This Ball of Fire, This Gust of Wind), 466-77. Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 2000. |
Ji Hongzhen. Xiao Hong zhuan. Beijing: Shiyue wenyi chubanshe, 2000. |
Duara, Prasenjit. “Of Authenticity and Woman: Personal Narratives of Middle-Class Women in Modern China” in Wen-hsin Yeh, ed. Becoming Chinese: Passages to Modernity and Beyond. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000, pp. 342-64. |
Duara, Prasenjit. “Local Worlds: The Poetics and Politics of Native Place in Modern China.” The South Atlantic Quarterly 99, no. 1 (Winter 2000): 13-45. |
Lary, Diana and Thomas Gottschang. Swallows and Settlers: The Great Migration From North China to Manchuria. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 2000. |
Li Chunyan. Dongbei wenxue wenhua xinlun. (New Discourse on Northeast Literary Culture). Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe, 2000. |
Mitter, Rana. The Manchurian Myth: Nationalism, Resistance, and Collaboration in Modern China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. |
Qian Liqun, ed. Zhongguo lunxianqu wenxue daxi: Shiliao juan (Compendium of the Literature of China’s Enemy Occupied Territories: Historical Materials Volume). 11 Vols. Vol. 11. Nanning, Guangxi: Guangxi jiaoyu chubanshe, 2000. |
Hôtei Toshihiro. Kyû “Manshû” bungaku kankei shiryô shû 1, 2 [Collection of literature-related materials of former Manchuria, vols. 1 and 2]. Tokyo: Roku-un shobô, 2000. |
Okada Hideki. Bungaku ni miru “Manshūkoku” no isō. Tokyo: Kenbun Shuppan, 2000. |
Barrett, David P. “Introduction: Occupied China and the Limits of Accommodation” in David P. Barrett and Larry N. Shyu, eds. Chinese Collaboration With Japan, 1937-45: The Limits of Accommodation. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001, pp. 1- 17. |
Ching, Leo T. S. 2001. Becoming Japanese: Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation. Berkeley: University of California Press. |
Fu, Poshek. (2001) “Resistance in collaboration: Chinese cinema in occupied Shanghai, 1941-1945.” Pp. 180-98 in David Barrett and Larry Shyu (eds.), Chinese Collaboration with Japan, 1937-45: The Limits of Accommodation. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press. |
Okada Hideki 岡田英樹. Wei Manzhouguo wenxue 僞滿洲國文學 [Literature of the Manchukuo Puppet Regime]. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe, 2001. |
Ma Yun. Duanmu Hongliang yu Zhongguo xiandai wenxue. Beijing: Beijing chubanshe, 2001. |
Kono, Kimberly. “Writing Imperial Relations: Romance and Marriage in Japanese Colonial Literature.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 2001. |
Lü Yuanming. Chūgokugo de nokosareta Nihon bungaku: Nitchū sensō no naka de. Tokyo: Hōsei Daigaku Shuppankyoku, 2001. Translated by Nishida Masaru. |
Heilongjiang ribao she xinwenzhi 黑龙江日报社新闻志, ed. ≪东北新闻史(1899-1949)≫. 哈尔滨: 黑龙江人民出版社, 2001年。 |
Russkaia poeziia Kitaia. Compiled and edited by Vadim Kreyd and Olga Bakich. Moscow: Vremia, 2001. |
Hideki Okada 岡田英樹, Jin Conglin 靳叢林, trans. 《伪满洲国文学》长春: 吉林大学出版社, 2001. |
Li Chunyan. “Shehui he lishi de zhenshi xiezhao: ping Gu Ding changpian xiaoshuo Xinsheng.” Liaoning daxue xuebao shehui zhexue kexuan ban (May 2001): 43–6. |
Shangguang Yin. 2001. ‘Wo suo zhidao de Mei Niang’ (All That I Know About Mei Niang) in Shang Guangyin, Shu hua (Talking About Books). Changchun: Jilin renmin chubanshe. |
Kishi Yōko. “Manshūkoku’ no josei saka: Meinyan o yomu” [Female writer of Manchukuo: reading Mei Niang]. Kan 10 (2002): 155-63. |
Xiao Hong. Tales of Hulan River. In The Field of Life and Death & Tales of Hulan River, translated by Howard Goldblatt, 93–273. Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company, 2002. |
Shi Shu 施淑. “‘Da Dongya wenxue’ zai ‘Manzhouguo’ ‘大東亞文學’在 ‘滿洲國’.” In Wenxue, Wenhua yu shibian: disanjie guoji Hanxue huiyi lunwenji wenxue zu, edited by Lee Fongmao, 589-631. Taipei: Zhongyang yanjiuyuan Zhongguo wenzhesou, 2002. |
Smith, Norman. “‘I Am an Ordinary Woman’: Yang Xu and the Articulation of Chinese Ideals of Womanhood in Japanese Occupied Manchuria.” Asian Journal of Women’s Studies 8, no. 3 (2002): 35-54. |
Lu Yuanming, Suzuki Sadami, and Liu Jianhua, eds. Manshû Rôman [Manchuria Romance (reprint of quarterly review in Manchuria)], vols. 1-7. Tokyo: Yumani shobô, 2002-3. |
Duara, Prasenjit. Sovereignty and Authenticity: Manchukuo and the East Asian Modern. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003. |
Hockx, Michel. Questions of Style: Literary Societies and Literary Journals in Modern China, 1911–1937. Leiden: Brill, 2003. |
Culver, Annika A. “Colonial Manchuria in the Surrealist Imagination: The Poetry and Prose of Kitagawa Fuyuhiko as Modernist History.” Proceedings of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies 4 (2003): 264-77. |
Smith, Norman. “Wielding Pens as Swords: Chinese Women Writers and the Japanese Occupation of Manchuria, 1936-1945.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of British Columbia, 2003. |
Liu Jinghui. Minzu, xingbie yu jieceng (Nation, gender and social stratum). Beijing: Shehui kexue xenxian chubanshe, 2004. |
Shangguan Ying. “Dongbei lunxianqu Changchun zuojiaqun” [Changchun writers group in the enemy-occupied area of the Northeast]. Changchun wanbao [Changchun evening news]. 2 September 2004. |
Smith, Norman. “Disrupting Narratives: Chinese Women Writers and the Japanese Cultural Agenda in Manchuria, 1936–1945.” Modern China 30, no. 3 (2004): 307–17. |
Lu Di and Guan Jixin, eds. Dangdai Manzu zuojia lun. Shenyang: Chunfeng wenyi chubanshe, 2004. |
Mack, Edward. “Marketing Japan’s Literature in Its 1930s Colonies.” Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand 28:1, 2 (2004), pp. 134-41. |
Shi Shu 施淑. “Dadongya wenxue gongrong quan: Kabun Ôsaka mainichi yu Riben zai Hua zhanling qu de wenxue tongzhi 大東亞文學共榮圈—‘華文大阪每日’與日本在華占領區的文學統制.” In Yang Kuei wenxue guoji xueshu yantao hui lunwen ji. Taichung: Jingyi daxue. June 2004. |
Liu Jinghui 劉晶輝. Minzu, xingbei, yu jiecheng—wei Man shiqi de “wangdao zhengzhi.” 民族、性別與階層—偽滿時期的 “王道政治”. Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chuban she, 2004. |