Citation |
Meng Li. “Russian Émigré Literature in China: A Missing Link.” PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2004. |
Smith, Norman. “Regulating Chinese Women’s Sexuality during the Japanese Occupation of Manchuria: Reading between the Lines of Wu Ying’s ‘Yu’ (Lust) and Yang Xu’s Wo de riji (My Diary).” Journal of the History of Sexuality 13, no. 1 (2004): 49-70. |
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Kono, Kimberly. “Mediating Modern Love in Manchuria: Performing Ethnicity, Gender, and Romance in Yokota Fumiko’s ‘Love Letter.’” Japanese Language and Literature 39, no. 1 (2005): 27–61. |
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Bai Changqing 白長青, ed.《辽宁文学史》 沈阳: 辽海出版社, 2005. |
Kazumi Nishihara 西原和海, Yu Kawamata 川俣優, eds. 《満洲国の文化 : 中国東北のひとつの時代》東京: せらび書房, 2005. |
Qi Hongshen. Jianzheng riben qin hua zhimin jiaoyu [Witness to Japanese colonial education in China]. Shenyang: Lianghai chubanshe, 2005. |
Tamanoi, Mariko Asano. Crossed Histories: Manchuria in the Age of Empire. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2005. |
Huang, Nicole. Women, War, Domesticity: Shanghai Literature and Popular Culture of the 1940s. Leiden: Brill, 2005. |
Yamamuro Shin’ichi. Manchuria Under Japanese Domination. Trans. J.A. Fogel. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania, 2006. |
Knight, Sabina. The Heart of Time: Moral Agency in Twentieth-Century Chinese Fiction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2006. |
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Zhang Juling 張菊玲. “Fengyun bianhuan shidai de qiji zhuojia Mu Rugai 風雲變幻時代的旗籍作家穆儒丐.” Manzu yanjiu (2006/4): 103-116. |
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Hideo Kobayashi 小林英夫。《満洲 : その今日的意味》東京:小学館, 2006。 |
Hideo Kobayashi 小林英夫 and Zhang Zhiqiang 張志強, eds. 《 検閲された手紙が語る満洲国の実態》 東京:小学館, 2006. |
Liu Xiao-li. Literature in the Puppet State of Manchukuo: A Supplement to the Study of Modern Chinese Literature. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2006, 38(5): 75-81. |
Smith, Norman (2006). Disguising Resistance in Manchukuo: Feminism as Anti-Colonialism in the Collected Works of Zhu Ti. The International History Review, 28:3, 515-536, DOI: 10.1080/07075332.2006.9641102 |
Smith, Norman. “The Difficulties of Despair: Dan Di and Chinese Cultural Production in Manchukuo.” Journal of Women’s History 18.1 (2006): 71-100. |
Smith, Norman. “‘Only Women Can Change This World Into Heaven’: Mei Niang, Male Chauvinist Society, and the Japanese Cultural Agenda in North China, 1939-1941.” Modern Asian Studies 40.1 (2006): 81-107. |
Smith, Norman. Resisting Manchukuo: Chinese Women Writers and the Japanese Occupation. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007. |
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Culver, Annika A. “The Making of a Japanese Avant-Garde in Dairen, 1924-1937.” History Compass 5/2 (2007): 347-61. |
Kishi Toshihiko. “Fusion and Crack between Cultural Policy and Placation Policy in Manchukuo.” Journal of Manchurian Studies October (2007): 93-129. |
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Kwon, Nayoung Aimee. “Translated Encounters and Empire: Colonial Korea and the Literature of Exile.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 2007. |
Li Qing 李青. “ ‘Manshû koku’ no tsûzoku bungaku—zasshi ‘Kirin’ wo rei toshite ‘満州国’ の通俗 文学−雑誌『麒麟』を例として.” Ritsumeikan bungaku 598 (2007): 419-429. |
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Zhang Quan 张泉, ed. ≪抗日战争时期沦陷区史料与研究(第1辑)≫. 南昌: 百花洲文艺出版社, 2007年。 |
Meng Li. Queshide yihuan. Zai Hua Eguo qiaomin wenxue. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2007. |
Yamamoto Yu 山本有. 《満洲 : 記憶と歴史》京都: 京都大学学術出版会, 2007. |
Li Meng 李萌.《缺失的一環:在華俄國僑民文學》北京: 北京大学出版社, 2007. |
Peng Feng 彭放, ed.《中国沦陷区文学研究资料总汇》哈尔滨: 黑龙江人民出版社, 2007. |
Lee Hyun-jeong. 중국현대문학 45 (2008): 35-57. |
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Hideo Kobayashi 小林英夫。《 满洲の歴史》 東京:講談社,2008。 |
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Wang Jingsong. “Wei Manzhouguo xiaoyuan wenhua Beijing zhongde nüxing xinwenxue jiqi cunzai yijing.” Funü yanjiu luncong 11 (2008): 50-58. |
Wei Manzhouguo qikan huibian [Compilation of Manchukuo Journals], vol. 1. Beijing: Xianzhuang shuju, 2008. |
Chu Guoqing. “Teshu yujing zhong de chuanmei: wei Manzhouguo qikan gaishuo” [Media in special context: the general introduction of Manchukuo journals]. In Wei Manzhouguo qikan huibian [Assembled journals of Manchukuo], vol. 1. Beijing: Xianzhuang shuju, 2008. 32. |
Smith, Norman. “Writing Chinese Women in Japanese Occupied Manchuria: The Legacy of Lan Ling.” WWR Magazine 2, no. 3 (2008): 13-17. |
Xiao Jun. Xiao Jun quanji. Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe, 2008. |
Xiao Jun. “Yinghua.” Xiao Jun quanji 3, 266–76. Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe, 2008. |
Liu Xiaoli 劉曉麗. Yitai shikong zhong de jingshen shijie: wei Manzhouguo wenxue yanjiu 異態時空中的精神世界:僞滿洲國文學研究 (The Spiritual World of an Abnormal Time and Space: Research on Literature of the Manchukuo Puppet Regime). Shanghai: Huadong shifan daxue chubanshe, 2008. |
Sakabe Shōko. Manshū keiken no shakaigaku: shokuminchi no kioku no katachi. Kyoto: Sekai Shisōsha, 2008. |
Ōkubo Akio. “Wei Manzhouguo hanyu zuojia de yuyan huanjing yu wenxue wenbenzhong de yuyan yingyong.” Paper given at the Teikokushugi to Bungaku Conference, Aichi University, August 1-3, 2008. Reprinted in the conference handout, pp.199-224. |