Citation |
Wang Yeping, ed. Dongbei lunxian shisinian jiaoyushi (The History of Education in the Northeast’s Fourteen Years of Enemy Occupation). Changchun: Jilin jiaoyu chubanshe, 1989. |
Dongbei xiandai wenxueshi. Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1989. |
Murata Yûko 村田裕子. “Hitotsu Manshû bunjin no kiseki—Mu Rugai to Shengjing shibao bungeiran 一満州文人の軌跡—穆儒丐と『盛京時報』文芸欄.” Tôhô gakuhô 東方学 報 61 (1989): 453-487. |
Hinrichs, Jan Paul, trans. “De doelen Rotterdam 17-19 t/m 24 Juni. Dichters uit de hele wereld nieuwe Russische poëzie. Valeri Perelesjin, Brazilië.” 1989. |
Hinrichs, Jan Paul. “Valerij Perelešin’s Poetry from his Chinese Years.” In Russkii poet v gostiakh u Kitaia, 1920-1952. The Hague: Leuxenhoff Publishing, 1989, xxi-xxxv. |
Karlinsky, Simon. “Memoirs of Harbin.” Slavic Review 48, no. 2 (1989): 284-90. |
Vonk, Roland. “Russische dichter Valeri Perelesjin slujt zun laatste dagen in Rio de Janeiro.” Leeuwarder Courant, 16 June 1989. |
Liang Shanding. “Shi nian shengsi liang mangmang: Zuo Di shisi shi zhou nian” (Ten Years in the Vastness of Life and Death: Zuo Di Dead Ten Years) in Liang Shanding, ed. Luo Mai xiaoshuo sanwen ji (Luo Mai’s Collected Short Stories and Essays). Shenyang: Shenyang renmin chubanshe, 1990, pp.198-211. |
Liang Shanding. “Shi nian shengsi liang mangmang: Zuo Di shisi shi zhou nian” (Ten Years in the Vastness of Life and Death: Zuo Di Dead Ten Years) in Liang Shanding, ed. Luo Mai xiaoshuo sanwen ji (Luo Mai’s Collected Short Stories and Essays). Shenyang: Shenyang renmin chubanshe, 1990, pp.198-211. |
Liang Shanding, ed. Luo Mai xiaoshuo sanwen ji (Luo Mai’s Collected Short Stories and Essays). Shenyang: Shenyang renmin chubanshe, 1990, pp.198-211. |
Liang Shanding. Xiao Jun jinian ji. Shenyang: Chufeng Wenyi Chubanshe, 1990. |
Liang Shanding. Xiao Jun jinian ji. Shenyang: Chufeng Wenyi Chubanshe, 1990. |
Luo Ping and Luo Ling. “Shenqie de huainian” (Fond Memories) in Liang Shanding, ed. Luo Mai xiaoshuo sanwen ji (Luo Mai’s Collected Short Stories and Essays). Shenyang: Shenyang renmin chubanshe, 1990, pp. 220-28. |
Luo Ying and Luo Yan. “Luo Mai nianbiao” (Luo Mai’s Chronological Table) in Liang Shanding, ed. Luo Mai xiaoshuo sanwen ji (Luo Mai’s Collected Short Stories and Essays). Shenyang: Shenyang renmin chubanshe, 1990, pp. 229-38. |
Mei Niang. “Songhua jiang de buyu” (The Nurturing Songhua River) in Liang Shanding, ed. Xiao Jun jinian ji (Commemorative Collection for Xiao Jun). Shenyang: Chunfeng wenyi chubanshe, 1990, pp. 230-33. |
Mei Niang. “Songhua jiang de buyu” (The Nurturing Songhua River) in Liang Shanding, ed. Xiao Jun jinian ji (Commemorative Collection for Xiao Jun). Shenyang: Chunfeng wenyi chubanshe, 1990, pp. 230-33. |
Yu Yanbin. “Wo liuxiale beishang he xiyue: Shenqie huainian Luo Mai tongzhi” (I Cry Tears of Sadness and Joy: Heartfelt Memories of Comrade Luo Mai) in Liang Shanding, ed. Luo Mai xiaoshuo sanwen ji (Luo Mai’s Collected Essays and Short Stories). Shenyang: Shenyang renmin chubanshe, 1990, pp. 187-91. |
Liang Dating. “Huainian wo de muqin” (Remembering My Mother) in Liang Shanding, ed. Luo Mai xiaoshuo sanwen ji (Luo Mai’s Collected Short Stories and Essays). Shenyang: Shenyang renmin chubanshe, 1990, pp. 212-19. |
Kawamura Minato. Ikyō no Shōwa bungaku: “Manshū” to kindai Nihon. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1990. |
Ono Shinobu. “Wenxue bu neng tuoli rensheng er ying tong qi jinmi xianglian: Ba Jin de Riben wenxueguan,” in Liu Boqing et al., eds. Riben xuezhe Zhongguo wenxue yanjiu yicong 4. Changchun: Jilin Jiaoyu Chubanshe, 1990. Pp. 126-38. |
Hinrichs, Jan Paul. Verbannte muse. Vijftien essays over schrijvers van de Russische emigratie. Leiden: Slavische Stichting, 1990. |
Feng Weiqun and Li Chunyan. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue xinlun (New Essays on the Literature of the Northeast Occupation Era). Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe, 1991. |
Lee, Leo Oufan. “Modernity and Its Discontents: The Cultural Agenda of the May Fourth Movement.” In Kenneth Lieberthal et al., eds., Perspectives on Modern China: Four Anniversaries. Armonk, N.Y., 1991 |
Shen Dianhe 申殿和 and Huang Wanhua 黄万华. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue shilun (Historical Discourses on the Literature of the Enemy Occupation of the Northeast) 东北沦陷时期文学史论. Harbin 哈尔滨: Beifang wenyi chubanshe 北方文艺出版社, 1991. |
Sun Zhongtian. “Lishi de jiedu yu shenmei quxiang” (Towards a History of Interpretation and Aesthetics). In Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue xinlun (New Discourse on the Literature of the Northeast Occupation Era), ed. Feng Weiqun and Li Chunyan, 1-11. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe, 1991. |
Liu Chunying (Ryū Shun’ei). “Kōnichi sensōki no Chūgoku ni okeru Nihon bungaku no hon’yaku,” in Yamada Keizō and Lü Yuanming (Ro Genmei), eds. Jūgonen sensō to bungaku: Nitchū kindai bungaku no hikaku kenkyū. Tokyo: Tōhō Shoten, 1991. Pp. 291-300. |
Qi Hongshen. Dongbei difang jiaoyu shi [History of Northeast China local education]. Shenyang: Liaoning daxue chubanshe, 1991. |
Xiao Hong. “Suofeiya de chouku.” In Xiao Hong quanji II, 948–53. Haerbin: Haerbin chubanshe, 1991. |
Dan Di. “Dongbei lunxianqi wenxue zhi wojian” (My Views on the Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue (Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 410-413. |
Zhu Ti and Li Keju. “1942 yu 1945 nian Dongbei wenyijie” (The Northeast’s Literary World From 1942 to 1945). Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Ed. Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan. Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992. 405-09. |
Zhu Ti and Li Keju. “1942 yu 1945 nian Dongbei wenyijie” (The Northeast’s Literary World From 1942 to 1945). Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Ed. Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan. Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992. 405-09. |
Mei Niang. “Yi ge chaqu” (A Sideline) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue (Literature of the Northeast Enemy-Occupation Period). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 414-16. |
Yin Tiefen. “Wei nüren er zuo aishang zhi ge: Shilun Dongbei lunxian shiqi nüzuojia Wu Ying de xiaoshuo chuangzuo” (A Song of Sadness for Women: Tentative Views on the Northeast Enemy Occupation Era Woman Writer Wu Ying’s Fictional Works) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 316-32. |
Dong Xingquan. “Wu si” yundong yu Dongbei lunxian qu wenxue” (“May Fourth” Activities and the Literature of the Northeast Enemy Occupied Territories) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 107-19. |
Feng Weiqun 馮為群. “Shi Hanjian wenxue haishi kang Ri wenxue” 是漢奸文學還是抗日文學 (Is It the Literature of Traitors to China or Literature of the Anti-Japanese Resistance?) In Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji 東北淪陷時期文學國際學術研討會論文集 (Collection of Papers from the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy-Occupied Northeast), edited by Feng Weiqun, 91–106. Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992. |
Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992. |
Feng Zengyu. “Dongbei lunxian qi xiangtu wenxue yu Zhongguo xiandai wenxue shi shang xiangtu wenxue zhi bijiao” (A Comparison of Native Place Literature From the Enemy Occupation of the Northeast and Native Place Literature in Contemporary Chinese Literature) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 63-74. |
Jie Xueshi. “Ri wei shiqi de wenhua tongzhi zhengce” (State Policies of Cultural Domination During the Japanese Occupation) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 182-98. |
Jin Xunmin. “Zuo ri de huang hua, ‘Qiutu’ de beige: Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue zai renshi” (Yesterday’s Yellow Flowers, The Sad Melody of ‘Prisoners’: Understanding Again the Literature of the Northeast Enemy Occupation Era) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 27-40. |
Kazeta Eiki. “Wei Manzhouguo wenyi zhangye de fazhan” (The Development of False Manzhouguo’s Literary Rules and Regulations) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 156-81. |
Li Chunyan. “Wenxue de lunxian yu lunxian de wenxue: Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue de ji ge xianzhu tedian” (The Enemy Occupation of Literature and the Literature of the Enemy Occupation: Several Notable Characteristics of the Literature of the Northeast Enemy Occupation Era) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 41-62. |
Liu Huijuan and Xu Qian. “Zhongguo xiandai wenxue shi shang bu ke queshao de pianzhang: Jianshu Dongbei lunxian shiqi zuoyi wenxue huodong” (Writings That the History of Contemporary Chinese literature Cannot Lack: A Brief Account of Left-Wing Literary Activities During the Northeast’s Enemy Occupation Era) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 75-90. |
Lü Qinwen. “Dongbei lunxian qu de wailai wenxue yu xiangtu wenxue” (External and Local Literature of the Northeast Occupied Territories) in Yamada Keizō and Lü Kangming, eds. Zhongri zhanzheng yu wenxue (Sino-Japanese War and Literature). Changchun: Dongbei shifan daxue chubanshe, 1992, 127-59. |
Wang Jianzhong. “Nü xing wenxue de jiao’ao: Ping Changye yinghuo de sixiang yishu chengjiu” (The Pride of Women’s Literature: Appraising the Achievements in Ideological Artistry in Fireflies of the Long Night) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 263-80. |
Wang Jianzhong and Li Shuquan. “Wu cai binfen de nüxing shijie yu shao’er shijie: Ping nüzuojia Luo Mai de Luo Mai shiwen ji” (A Riot of Colour in Women’s World and Young Men’s World: Evaluating Woman Writer Luo Mai’s Collection of Luo Mai’s Writings) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Symposium on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 325-40. |
Yu Lei. “Ziliao” (Data) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Research Conference on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 171-81. |
Zhang Yumao and Yan Zhihong. “Lun Dongbei lunxian shiqi xiaoshuo” (Discussing Novels of the Northeast Enemy Occupation Era) in Feng Weiqun, Wang Jianzhong, Li Chunyan, Li Shuquan, eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (Collection of Papers From the International Research Conference on Literature of the Enemy Occupied Northeast). Shenyang: Shenyang chubanshe, 1992, pp. 1-27. |
Huang Wanhua. “Shilun Yiwenzhipai de chuangzuo,” in Feng Weiqun et al., eds. Dongbei lunxian shiqi wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji. Shenyang: Shenyang Chubanshe, 1992. pp. 208-23. |
Lei Shiyu. Riben wenxue jianshi. Hebei: Hebei Jiaoyu Chubanshe, 1992. |
Lü Yuanming. “Zaihua Riben fanzhan wenxue lun,” in Yamada Keizō and Lü Yuanming, eds. Zhong-Ri zhanzheng yu wenxue: Zhong-Ri xiandai wenxue de bijiao yanjiu. Changchun: Dongbei Shifan Daxue Chubanshe, 1992. Pp.39-94. |