Citation |
Wang Yue. “Literary Selection in a Historical Dilemma; Shan Ding’s Literary Proposition and Practice in Manchukuo.” In Annika Culver and Norman Smith, eds. Manchukuo Perspectives: Transnational Approaches to Literary Production. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2020, 157-174. |
Zheng Xiaoxu, “A Treatise on Rectifying the Wrongs”; “Zheng Xiaou Diary, 5 July 1929”; “Questions About the Kingly Way”; and “The Theory on Preventing Wars.” Translated by Hua Rui. In Jonathan Henshaw, Craig A. Smith, and Norman Smith, eds. Translating the Occupation:The Japanese Invasion of China, 1931-45. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021, 50-63. |
“The Mukden Education Construction Project Proposal” (A translation in Chinese from the Japanese original by Morita Ryōichi, Chief Education Inspector). Translated by Gao Wenying (Provincial Education Inspector). Translated to English by Wang Yu. In Jonathan Henshaw, Craig A. Smith, and Norman Smith, eds. Translating the Occupation:The Japanese Invasion of China, 1931-45. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021, 64-77. |
Pulford, Ed. “On Frontiers and Fronts: Bandits, Partisans, and Manchuria’s Borders, 1900–1949.” Modern China 47, no. 5 (2021): 662–697. |
Xie Qiong. “Bei hushi de ningshi: Manzhouguo nei xianman wenxue jiaoliu xinjie.” Chūgoku tōhoku bunka kenkyū no hiroba, forthcoming. |
Xie Qiong. “Piaobo, aiqing he zhengyi: lun Dandi zuopin zhong de piaobozhe xingxiang.” In Sanru lianyu: Weimanzhouguo zuojia Dan Di zuopinyanjiu, edited by Norman Smith. Shanghai: Jiaotong daxue chubanshe, forthcoming. |
Smith, Norman, ed. Sanru lianyu: Weimanzhouguo zuojia Dan Di zuopinyanjiu. Shanghai: Jiaotong daxue chubanshe, forthcoming. |
Qiu Ying, “Kuangkeng” [Mine pit], “San Zhongjing baihuodian” [Three Nakai department store]. Accessed 30 December 2020.三中井百货店. |
Dan Di. “San ru lianyu” (Thrice Into Purgatory). Unpublished manuscript. |
Gu Ding 古丁. “Xinsheng zishuo.” Qingnian wenhua 3, no. 1: 55. |
Chu Guoqing. “Zai Shenyang, you zheyang yi wei wenhua laoren” [In Shenyang, there is this kind of cultured elder]. Accessed 5 April 2020. |
Chu Guoqing and Jiu Wangsun. “Qian Meng fuyao jian: 97 sui shufajia you chu yi bu sanwen ji” [Gusty notes on Shallow Dreams: A 97 year-old calligrapher published another collection of essays]. Accessed 29 December. |
Wang Baolin. “Dangdai bai jia ti “San xi caotang: Li Zhengzhong” [Contemporary hundred home title “Three Treasures Thatched Cottage”: Li Zhengzhong]. Accessed 30 December 2020. |
Zhen. “Bai yun mianhuai qi yi dajia Li Zhengzhong lao” [One Hundred Rhymes Recalling for All, the Centenarian Li Zhengzhong]. Accessed 29 December 2020. |
Zhen. “Jiyi dajia Li Zhengzhong” [The Great Master Centenarian Li Zhengzhong]. Accessed 29 December 2020. |
Chu Guoqing. “Zuihou de Zhu Ti” [The last Zhu Ti]. Accessed 12 June 2019. See Note: Half of this article is unavailable due to apparent data corruption. See Zhu Ti: Images for article images. |
Hideki Okada 冈田英树, “古丁的“附逆”作品再考” (Professor Hideki re-examines Gu Ding’s subversive writings). |
Li Wenqing李文卿. “鲁迅之后:’战争期’(1937-1945)的满系文坛与文艺.” |
Chen Zeya 陈泽娅. “古丁的语言意识与文学书写.” (Article on Gu Ding’s language consciousness and writing) |
Liu Xiaoli 刘晓丽. “殖民统治与国民意识的建构——对伪满洲国的文学活动的一种考察” (Colonial Rule, National Consciousness and Literary Activities). |
Xin Yu 辛雨, Xu Che 徐彻, and Xu Ke许可. “半百浮沉处处痕——古丁子女访谈录” (Memories of Floating Life in 50 years——Interviews with Gu Ding’s offsprings) |
Zhu Lixin 祝力新 ,《满洲评论》创刊前后 ——时事与文学的初衷 (Before and After Manchuria Review: The Original Intention of Current Affairs and Literature) Located at Accessed 24 October 2014. |
Jeehyun Choi, “Writing Manchukuo: Peripheral Realism and Awareness in Kang Kyŏngae’s “Salt.”” University of California, Berkeley. |
DENG, Lixia. “Gendered Colonialism: The Literature of Japanese Women |
“Emphasis on love and righteousness, Liang Shanding, the old northeast writer I have had the deepest association with.” |
Lixia Deng. “The Construction of Japanese Women’s Subjective Identity in Haruko Ushijima’s Writings—Taking Zhu Liantian and Zhang Fengshan as the objects of investigation – in Chinese.” |
“Speech at the inauguration of Zhu Ti’s tomb.”
Guo Juan. “The Youth Past of Party Member Writer Shu Qun.” |
DENG, Lixia. “Gendered Colonialism: The Literature of Japanese Women in Manchukuo.” Ritsumeikan University. |