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Kimura Ryôji. Dairen monogatari [A tale of Dairen]. Tokyo: Kenkôsha, 1974.

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Wang Qiuying. “Yijiusiling nian qian de dongbei wenyi qingkuang” (The Conditions of the Arts in the Northeast Before 1940). In Dongbei xiandai wenxue shiliao (Historical Materials of the Northeast’s Modern Literature), March 1980, No. 1, pp. 81-6.

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Edward Gunn. “Unwelcome Muse: Chinese Literature in Shanghai and Peking, 1937-45.” (Columbia, 1980).

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Cheng Xiaodui. “Manzhou wenxue de jingshen” (The Spirit of the Literature of Manzhouguo) in Dongbei xiandai wenxue shiliao (Historical Materials of Modern Northeastern Literature), Dec. 1982, No. 7, pp. 198-201.

Fu Shangkui. “Fang nüzuojia Tian Lin” (Searching for Woman Writer Tian Lin”), Dongbei xiandai wenxue shiliao (Historical Materials of Modern Literature of the Northeast), 1982, No. 5, pp. 212-15.

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Fu Shangkui. “Minzu de beige, zhandou de haojiao: Lun Tian Lin xiaoshuo chuangzuo” (The Sad Melody of the Nation, The Bugle Call of Battle: A Discussion of Tian Lin’s Works of Fiction), Dongbei xiandai wenxue shiliao (Historical Materials of Modern Literature of the Northeast), 1984, No. 8, pp. 218-27.

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Lan Ling. “Nan wang de baojia hutong yi hao” (Unforgettable Baojia Hutong Number One) (pen name Zhu Zhenhua), Qiqiqhaar ribao: Chuanghan (The Qiqihaar Daily: Achievements in Publication). Qiqihaar: Qiqihaar ribao, 1985, pp. 70-72.

Lan Ling. “Xi er dao jie shi hao de dong xiangfang” (The East Wing of Number Ten on West Second Street) (pen name Zhu Zhenhua), Qiqiqhaar ribao: Chuanghan (The Qiqihaar Daily: Achievements in Publication). Qiqihaar: Qiqihaar ribao, 1985, pp. 89-92.

Wang Qiuying. “Zhide tantao de ji ge wenti” (Several Questions Worthy of Inquiry). Dongbei wenxue yanjiu shiliao (Historical Research Materials of Northeast Literature). Sept. 1986, No. 3, 182-89.

Li Chunyun. “Zai anye li ranshaozhe de huohua: Tan Wang Qiuying zai Dongbei lunxian shiqi de xiaoshuo chuangzuo” (Burning Sparks in the Dark Night: Discussion of Wang Qiuying’s Production of Fiction During the Northeast Occupation). Dongbei wenxue yanjiu shiliao (Historical Research Materials of Northeast Literature). Sept. 1986, No. 3, 24-29.

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Li Zhengzhong. “Liming qian zui hei’an de niandai” (The Darkest Time Before the Dawn). Dongbei wenxue yanjiu shiliao (Historical Research Materials of Northeast Literature). Sept. 1986, No. 3, 170-71.

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Zhu Ti. “Kugao de xinyuan shang saxia yipian yangguang” (Casting a Layer of Sunlight on Withered Dreams). Dongbei wenxue yanjiu shiliao (Historical Research Materials of Northeast Literature). Sept. 1986, No. 3, 171-72.

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Yu Lei, transl. “Diwei mijian” (Secret Documents of the Enemy and Puppet Regime), Dongbei wenxue yanjiu shiliao (Historical Research Materials of Northeastern Literature), Dec. 1987, No. 6, pp. 153-59.

Wang Qiuying. “Wo suo zhidao de dongbei lunxianqi Shengyang wenxue” (All I Know About Shenyang Literature From the Era of the Enemy Occupation of the Northeast), Dongbei wenxue yanjiu shiliao (Research Materials on Literature of the Northeast), Dec. 1987, No. 6, pp. 21-44.

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Zhou Qinghe. “Tian Lin de wenxue chuangzuo qingxiong he yishu tese” (The Production Tendencies and Artistic Characteristics of Tian Lin’s Literature), Dongbei wenxue yanjiu shiliao (Research Materials on Literature of the Northeast), Dec. 1987, No. 6, pp. 105-109.

Liang Shanding. “Shou huanying de Miao Si” (The Welcomed Miao Si) in Dongbei wenxue yanjiu shiliao (Research Materials on Literature of the Northeast), Dec. 1987, No. 6, pp. 130-38.

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