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Yu Su-Jeong. “From Nihon Romanha to Manshu Roman – Characteristics of Kitamura Kenjiro’s Works on Immigrating to Manchukuo.” Journal of Manchurian Studies (2016): 67-90.

Dan Yuanchao, Piao yang guo hai de Riben wenxue (Japanese Literature Across the Ocean). Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chuban she, 2016.

  1. Wang, Yue. “The Literature Selection in Historical Dilemma – Discussion on Shan Ding’s “Local Literature” Proposition during the Puppet Manchukuo Period” Journal of Manchurian Studies 22 pp.111-124 (2016) : 111.

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Liu Yangyang 刘洋洋. 伪满洲国文化政策对东北作家作品的影响 (The influence of Bogus Manzhouguo’s cultural policies on Northeast writers’ publications) , Qingnian wenxuejia (Young writers) 2017, issue 24. Accessed 15 November 2021.

Cai Peijun 蔡佩均. 2017. “Feixu yu xindu: Jue Qing bixia de Manzhou xinren shilianchang” 廢墟與新都:爵青筆下的滿洲新人試煉場 (Ruins and a New City: Manchuria as Proving Ground for the New Man in Jue Qing’s Fiction). In Chuangshang 創傷 (A Trauma), edited by Liu Xiaoli 劉曉麗, 459–79. Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shudian.

Xie Chaokun 謝朝坤. 2017. “Feixu li de wange” 廢墟里的輓歌 (Elegy in the Ruins). In Jue Qing zuopin ji 爵青作品集 (The Collected Works of Jue Qing), edited by Xie Chaokun and Li Ran李冉, 1–13. Harbin: Beifang wenyi chubanshe.

Chen Yan. “Cong zhimin xianchang tiyan dao houzhimin xing si: Li Zhengzhong fangtan lu” [From colonial field experience to post-colonial reflection: An interview with Li Zhengzhong]. Originally published in Shenyang shifan daxue xuebao: Shehui kexuebao [Journal of Shenyang Normal University: Social science edition]. March 2017. Accessed 10 January 2019.

Chu Guoqing. “Li Zhengzhong bei yu tie jiehe zuihao de shujia dianfan” [Li Zhengzhong is the best model of calligrapher who combines stele and post]. Zhongguo paimai [China auction] (March 2017) Accessed 8 January 2021.

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Xie, Miya Qiong. “The Literary Territorialization of Manchuria: Rethinking National and Transnational Literature in East Asia.” Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, 2017.

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Liu Xiaoli 劉曉麗. “Jiezhixing neizai yu zhimindi wenxue” 解殖性內在於殖民地文學 (The Inherent Lyo-colonialism in the Literature of the Colonies). In Dongya wenxue chang: Taiwan, Chaoxian, Manzhou de zhiminzhuyi yu wenhua jiaoshe 東亞文學場:台灣、朝鮮、滿洲的殖民主義與文化交涉 (The East Asian Literary Field: Colonialism and Cultural Interaction in Taiwan, Joseon, and Manchuria), edited by Liu Shuqin 柳書琴, 87–106. New Taipei City: Lianjing chuban gongsi, 2018.

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Zhao Huanyu 赵寰宇, 满洲报 小说研究 (Research on Fiction in Manchuria Daily). Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chuban she, 2019.

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Chen Yan. “Acculturation and Border-Crossing in Manchukuo Literature: Mei Niang, Liu Longguang, and Yuan Xi.” In Annika Culver and Norman Smith, eds. Manchukuo Perspectives: Transnational Approaches to Literary Production. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019, 175-188.

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Chen Shi. “Fairy Tales and the Creation of the ‘Future Nation’ of Manchukuo.” In Annika Culver and Norman Smith, eds. Manchukuo Perspectives: Transnational Approaches to Literary Production. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019, 28-43.

Xu, Jing. “The Politics of Memory: Cultural Interaction and Confrontation among the Haunting Ghosts of Russians, Japanese, and Chinese in Harbin.” PhD diss., York University, 2019.

He Shuang何爽. 暗夜中的萤光 (Fluorescence in the Dark Night). 名作鉴赏·回顾版 Mingzuo xinshang·pinglun ban (Masterpiece Appreciation: Review edition) 10 April 2019. (Analysis of the writings of Wang Qiuying). Located at Accessed 27 October 2021.

Jiang Lei. “Spiritual Resistance: A Study of the Phenomenon of Resistance Literature in Supplements of Manchukuo’s Datong bao [Great Unity Herald].” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019.

Miya Qiong Xie. “Linguistic Hybridity, Transnational Connectivity, and the Cultural Territorialization of Colonial Literature: The Case of Gu Ding” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019.

Ying Xiong. “Utopianism Unrealized: Ouichi Takao’s Literary Translation in Manchukuo” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019.

Junko Agnew. “Sickness, Death, and Survival in the Works of Gu Ding and Xiao Hong” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019.

Smith, Norman. “Manchukuo Melancholy: The Writings of Ke Ju and Zhu Ti” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019.

Zhang Quan. “Searching for Memories of Colonial Literature in Modern History: Centering Mei Niang’s Border and Generational Crossings” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019.

Zhan Li. “The Imagination of Heterogenous Space and Implicit Transformations of Identity: Manchukuo’s “Japanese” and “Manchurian” Detective Novelists” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019.

Poland, Stephen. “The Literary Politics of Harmonization and Dissonance: Heterolingual Address in Nogawa Takashi’s “The People Who Go to the Hamlet”” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019.

Watanabe Naoki. “ “Manchuria” and the Proletarian Literature of Colonial Korea” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019.

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Chu Guoqing. “Bainian di shou Zhao Bei’an: Li Zhengzhong yu ta de shufa yishu” [One hundred years of bowing Zhao Bei’an: Li Zhengzhong and his calligraphy art]. Wei Manzhouguo yanjiu zhongxin [Bogus Manchukuo Research Centre] 20 April 2020. Accessed 27 December 2020.

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天空没有留下翅膀的痕迹,但我已经飞过——记民国女作家梅娘(There are no Traces of Wings Left in the Sky, But I Have Already Flown By: The Story of the Female Writer Mei Niang in the Republic of China). 28 March 2020.

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Liu Chao. “From Radical Nationalism to Anti-modernism. The Intellectual Dilemma of Wenxuan Writers.” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 140–56. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2020.

Liu Xiaoli. “Unpacking ‘New Manchuria’ Narratives. Propaganda, Fact, Memory, and Aesthetics.” In Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production, edited by Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith, 13–27. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2020.

Ōkubō Akio. “Luo Tuosheng and Manchukuo Literature: The Literary Endeavours of a Manchukuo Student in Imperial Japan.” In Anika A. Culver and Norman Smith (eds.), Manchukuo Perspectives. Transnational Approaches to Literary Production. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2020, 140–56.