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Relevant Websites


English Language Websites

Manchukuo, Capitalism and the East Asian Modern: Transhistorical Desire in Kishi the Vampire. See:

Manchoukuo: Come for the Prosperity, Stay for the Harmony

Kate Kondayen and Stephanie Mitchel, “Testament to Manchukuo,” The Harvard Gazette. 23 September 2015.

On Jewish people in Harbin, see:

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Qing Imperial Harems

China’s Forbidden City: 10 Things You Need to Know

3 Tragic Tales from China’s Imperial Harems

Tatar diaspora in Hailar

The Online Books Page

Journal of Manchurian Studies

Chinese Language Websites

Concordia Association of Manchuria

Literature in the Occupied Period of Northeast China

For discussion of the Greater East Asia Writers Congresses, see:

The blog: “East Asian Literature Field: Colonialism and Cultural Interaction in Taiwan, Joseon, and Manchuria” can be found at:

On Japanese Colonial Writers, see:

For photographs of Manchukuo, see:

Ji Gang 紀剛 website –  A Manchukuo/Taiwan writer.
This website has a rich trove of Manchukuo materials, on a variety of writers.

Japanese Language Websites

Takushoku University Library’s Manchukuo archive:



日满鲜中年号对照表 (Dates, Japan, Manchuria, Korea)

Korean Language Websites

The Korean Manchurian Society

Russian Language Websites

Fox notes – currencies

Русско-Азиатский Банк, Харбин (Китай) 1919

Memories of the Gulags

Арсений Несмелов

Russians in China, 1926-1946 (Book/Index)

Lyudmila Solma

The Shkurkin Far East Archive – 6025 Rose Arbor, San Pablo CA 94806-4147, USA

Big Russian Album – many photos of Harbin

Stories of Manchuria

CER History (Russian)

Slaves Who Have No Homeland”: Under Different Masters (1945–1947) (Russian)

Port Arthur history

Radio interviews with Harbinites