Shi Tianshou (also known as 田質成Tian Zhicheng and 田鳳章Tian Fengzhang) (1911-1995). He was born in 扶餘Fuyu, Jilin吉林 Province. After the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, he went into exile and joined the 左联(Zuo Lian, abbreviation of The League of Left-Wing Writers)in Shanghai in 1933, in which he was mainly responsible for organizational work. In the later period of the Anti-Japanese War, he published his works in《抗戰文藝》War of Resistance Literature and Art) and the 大公報 ( Ta Kung Pao) supplement 《戰線》(The Front). After the founding of the PRC, he served as director of the Education Department of Jilin Province. Published works are mainly novels and poetry collections.