Bai Lang 白朗 (original name Liu Donglan 劉東蘭 ; pennames included Yi Bai 弋白, Liu Li 劉莉) was born in the fall of 1912, in Fengtian奉天 (present-day Shenyang),into a family of intellectuals. In 1929, she married her cousin Luo Feng 羅烽 and moved to Harbin 哈爾濱. In 1932, Bai Lang began to publish writings.
In April 1933, Bai Lang started work as a reporter for Harbin’s newspaper, 《國際協報》 (International association). She went on to edit varied daily half-page supplements for the paper, including《國際公園》(International park),《儿童》(Children),《妇女》(Women), and《體育》(Sports). Bai Lang wrote many articles for 《夜哨》(Night whistle), a supplement of Manchukuo’s most prominent newspaper,《大同報》(Great unity herald).
At the end of 1933, Night Whistle was forcibly closed by the Manchukuo government. One month later, Bai Lang and others founded the 《文藝》(Arts) weekly in the International Association, and Bai Lang served as editor-in-chief. In June 1934, her husband Luo Feng was arrested and detained for about a year. In July 1935, Bai and Luo fled Manchukuo, and continued their writing careers.
In the 1950s and during the Cultural Revolution, Bai and Luo suffered severe political persecution, seriously damaging their health. Bai Lang died in 1994.
– Norman Smith
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