Page Contents
- 1800s
- English Materials
- Chinese Materials
- Japanese Materials
- Other Language Materials
- 1900s
- English Materials
- Chinese Materials
- Japanese Materials
- Other Language Materials
- 1910s
- English Materials
- Chinese Materials
- Japanese Materials
- Other Materials
- 1920s
- English Materials
- Chinese Materials
- Japanese Materials
- Other Language Materials
- 1930s
- English Language Materials
- Chinese Language Materials
- Japanese Language Materials
- Other Language Materials
- 1940s
- English Materials
- Chinese Materials
- Japanese Materials
- Other Language Materials
- 1950
Click to view non-fiction books published in the 1800s.
English Materials
Voyage Down The Amoor, 1860
Narrative of a Journey From Tientsin to Moukden in Manchuria, 1863
Journal of the Shanghai Literary and Scientific Society, ser.2 v.01, 1864
Journeys in North China, Manchuria and Eastern Mongolia With Some Account of Corea, 1870
Travels of a Naturalist in Japan and Manchuria, 1870
Old Wang, 1889
Kirin, North China Pioneer Medical Mission Work, 1894
Ten Years in Manchuria, 1895
The Heart of a Continent, 1896
Our Jubilee Gift to Manchuria, 1898
Among the Celestials. A Narrative of Travels in Manchuria Across the Gobi Desert, Through the Himalayas to India, 1898
Sketches of Missionary Life in Manchuria, 1899
The Break-up of China, 1899
Chinese Materials
Shengjing Lu Cheng Tu, 1800s
Japanese Materials
Other Language Materials
Венюков М. Опыт военного Oбозрения Pусских границ в Азии, 1873 (Russian)
Click to view non-fiction books published in the 1900s.
English Materials
Mrs Winn of Japan and Manchuria, 1900
Chinese Pictures, Notes on Photographs Made in China, 1900
The Expansion of Russia Problems of the East and Problems of the Far East, 1900
China fights for her life, 1901
The Expansion of Trade in China, 1901
East of the Barrier, 1902
The Trans-Siberian Route, 1902
Manchuria Its People, Resources, and Recent History, 1904
Manchuria and Korea, 1904
Thrilling Stories of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904
Through Siberia and Manchuria by Rail, 1904
With Kuroki in Manchuria, 1904
The Truth About the Tsar and the Present State of Russia, 1905
Following the Sun Flag, 1905
The Coming Power; A Contemporary History of the Far East, 1898-1905, 1905
From Tokio Through Manchuria With the Japanese, 1905
With the Russians in Manchuria, 1905
Christian Missions From a Statesman’s Viewpoint, 1906
The Unveiled East, 1907
The Tragedy of Russia in Pacific Asia, v. 2, 1907
Opportune Investments in China, 1907
Signs and Portents of the Far East, 1907
The Russo-Japanese War. Reports from British Officers v.3, 1908
The Birds of Manchuria, 1909
Lectures on the Strategy of the Russo-Japanese War, 1909
Soya Bean and Products, 1909
Chinese Materials
Japanese Materials
紀念寶典:日露戦争赤十字, 1907
Other Language Materials
À Travers la Mandchourie, 1903 (French)
Det nye Sibirien, 1904 (Danish)
Corée, Chine et Mandchourie les Convoitises Russes & Japonaises, 1904 (French)
Mandżurya Opis Kraju i Ludzi, 1904 (Polish)
Journal d’un Correspondant de Guerre en Extrème-Orient, Japon, Mandchourie, Corée, 1905 (French)
Kriegsbriefe aus der Mandschurei, 1905 (German)
Visions de Guerre; six Mois en Mandchourie Avec S.A.I. le Grand-duc Boris de Russie, 1906 (French)
Kitaiskii Blagoviestnik, 1907 (Russian)
Tōkei Nenpō, 1909 (Russian)
Click to view non-fiction books published in the 1910s.
English Materials
The Revival in Manchuria, 1910
Views of Harbin, 1910-1911 (Chinese, English)
Where Half the World is Waking up, The Old and the New in Japan, China, the Philippines, and India, 1911
Railway Situation in China, 1911
The Oriental Review, v.1 no.6, 1911
The Oriental Review, v.1 no.12, 1911
The Oriental Review, v.1 no.15. 1911
The Face of Manchuria, Korea, and Russian Turkestan, 1911
The Campaign in Manchuria, 1912
Russia in Europe and Asia, 1912
Woman’s Work, v.27, no.3, 1912
The Life of Dr Arthur Jackson of Manchuria, 1913
The Other Side of the Earth, 1913
The Politics of Chinese Finance, 1913
Thirty Years in the Manchu Capital, 1914
Report on the Trade of China and Japan, 1914
Railway Problems in China, 1915
Russian Foreign Policy in the East, 1916
Japanese Expansion and American Policies, 1916
Does Japan Menace the United States, 1916
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1917
Chosen and Manchuria, 1918
The Awakening of a Great Nation, 1918
Siberia and Eastern Russia, v.1. 1918
Observations in the Orient, 1919
American Defeat in the Pacific, 1919
Chinas̕ Claims at the Peace Table, 1919
Democracy and the Eastern Question, 1919
Foreign Financial Control in China, 1919
Pictorial Chosen and Manchuria, 1919
The Oriental Policy of the United States, 1919
Chinese Materials
Japanese Materials
北滿經濟調查資料, 1910
旧外地関係資料アーカイブ / 蒙古蒙古語旅行用會話 , 1918 (Japanese, Mongolian)
Other Materials
Спутник по Дальнему Востоку, 1910 (Russian)
Les Japonais en Mandchourie, 1913 (French)
Россия на Дальнем Востоке, 1913 (Russian)
An Album To His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich, 1916 (Russian)
旧外地関係資料アーカイブ / 蒙古蒙古語旅行用會話 , 1918 (Japanese, Mongolian)
Click to view non-fiction books published in the 1920s.
English Materials
Economic History of Manchuria, 1920
America’s Stake in the Far East, 1920
China’s International Position, 1920
Eastern Siberia, 1920
Japan Through the Eyes of Lewis L. Clarke…, 1920
Soy Bean, 1920
Manchuria in the Conference, 1921
China, the United States, and the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 1921
The Influence of the Sea on the Political History of Japan, 1921
The New Map of Asia 1900-1919, 1921
The Truth About China and Japan, 1921
Treaties and Agreements With and Concerning China, 1894-1919, v2m 1921
Japan, 1921
Manchuria Treaties and Agreements, 1921
China Under the Republic, 1921
大連寫眞帖:満蒙開發之策源地 (Dalian Photo Album), 1921 (English, Japanese)
Manchuria Land of Opportunities, 1922
Contemporary Chinese leaders Brief Sketches, 1922
Industrial Conditions in China, 1922
Forty Years of Diplomacy, v.1, 1922
Japanese Intervention in the Russian Far East, 1922
Russia in the Far East, 1922
Willard Straight in the Orient, 1922
The Naturalist in Manchuria, vols 2 and 3, 1922
Cook’s Guide to Peking, North China, South Manchuria and Korea, 1924
Man-Mō Shokubutsushi, Japanese, 1925
China, 1925
The Task Ahead The Missionary Crisis of the Church, 1925
Oriental Interpretations of the Far Eastern Problem, 1925
North Manchurian Plague Prevention Service Reports, 1925-1926
Russia Turns East; The Triumph of Soviet Diplomacy in Asia, 1926
Occidental Interpretations of the Far Eastern Problem, 1926
Our Far Eastern Assignment, 1926
Foreign Rights and Interests in China, 1927
Japan An Illustrated Magazine of Oriental Travel and Trade Development, May 1927
North Manchurian Plague Prevention Service Reports, 1927-1928
Japan An Illustrated Magazine of Oriental Travel and Trade Development, 1928 August
Japan an Illustrated Magazine of Oriental Travel and Trade Development v.17 1928 Sept
North Manchurian Plague Prevention Service Reports, 1929-1930
Chinese Materials
Japanese Materials
大連寫眞帖:満蒙開發之策源地 (Dalian Photo Album), 1921 (English, Japanese)
奉天票の話, 1926
南満洲主要都市と其背後地, 1927
滿洲經濟圖説, 1928
奉天省の財政 其1,2, 1928
滿鐵調査課備附資料索引, 1928
Other Language Materials
YMCA Harbin, 1925 (Russian)
Khlieb Nebesnyi, 1926 (Russian)
Rossia V Manchzhurii, 1928 (Russian)
Click to view non-fiction books published in the 1930s.
English Language Materials
Look to the East, 1930
Japan’s Special Position in Manchuria, 1931
Manchurian and Mongolian Natural Resources Museum, 1931
The Manchuria-Hunger of the East Asiatic Boches, 1931
China To-Day, 1932
Japan and Manchoukuo, 1932
Manchuria, 1932
Railway Rivalries in Manchuria, 1932
The Voice of the People of Manchoukuo, 1932 (Chinese, English)
日本モンロ-主義と満洲, 1932 (English, Japanese)
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1932
Pact of Paris, 1932
A Japanese Omelette: A British Writer’s Impressions on the Japanese Empire, 1933
China’s Foreign Relations, 1917-1931, 1933
An Eye-Witness in Manchuria, 1933
Independence of Manchoukuo, 1933
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1933 v.3
Manchoukuo – Handbook of Information, 1933
One-Arm Sutton, 1933
Tales of Three Cities in Manchuria by Kinnosuke Adachi, 1933
The Independence of Manchoukuo, 1933
Documents Related to the Withdrawal of Japan From the League of Nations, 1933 (English, Japanese)
Guide to Manchukuo, 1934
Report of Mission to the Far East, August-November 1934
Sakura no Kaori the Fragrance of Cherry Blossoms, 1934 (English, Japanese)
The European Corn Borer and its Controlling Factors in the Orient, 1934
World Tides in the Far East, 1934
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1934
Manchuria Today, 1934
Prevention of Influx Of Bad Characters Into Shanghai Registration Of Foreign, 1934
Manchuria Daily News Enthronement Supplement, 1934
Manchurian Plague Prevention Service Memorial Volume 1912-1932, 1934
Shanghai Municipal Police Report, 1934
満洲事変及上海事件関係公表集, 1934 (English, Japanese)
American Consultation in World Affairs for the Preservation of Peace, 1934
An Atlas of Current Affairs, 1935
Trade and Trade Barriers in the Pacific, 1935
The Mongols of Manchuria, 1935
Powerful America Our Place in a Rearming World, 1936
Eyes on Japan, 1936
Manchoukuo – Jewel of Asia, 1936
Contemporary Manchuria 1.2, 1937
Gospel Rays in Manchoukuo, 1937
Shanghai, The Paradise of Adventurers, 1937
Japan in China 1938
British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914, v.2, 1938
Behind the News in China, 1938
China Fights For Her Life, 1938
Junge Mandschurei in Bildern, 1938 (English, German, Italian, Japanese)
Manchoukuo Trade Representative To Central China 2667, 1939
最近新京概観, 1939 (English, Japanese)
Chinese Language Materials
The Voice of the People of Manchoukuo, 1932 (Chinese, English)
郑孝胥, 王道 , 1934
望月文庫目録 慶應義塾圖書館藏書, 1935, (Chinese, English, Japanese)
Manchoukuo Trade Representative To Central China 2667, 1935
新满洲风土记, 1936
满洲国写真集, 1937
躍進國都 / Manchoukuo 1937 (Chinese, English)
满洲产业经济大观, 1939
Japanese Language Materials
調査時報 南滿洲鐵道株式會社總務部調査課 1930
新天地, 一号, 1931
滿蒙事情, 1931
満洲国の容相, 1932
日本モンロ-主義と満洲, 1932 (English, Japanese)
満洲社会事業年報, 1932
熱河探檢畫報, 1933
滿州中央銀行要覧, 1933
満洲国協和会之概要, 1933
満蒙之水道, 1933
国都大新京, 1933
滿洲國政府公報日譯, 1933
滿洲年鑑, 1933
満洲国有鉄道の現在及将来, 1933
大満洲国 上, 1933
満蒙資源館要覧, 1933
海鼠は祈る 満洲国旅行記, 1933
Documents Related to the Withdrawal of Japan From the League of Nations, 1933 (English, Japanese)
Sakura no Kaori the Fragrance of Cherry Blossoms, 1934 (English, Japanese)
満蒙の知識, 1934
満洲経済統計図表, 1934
満洲経済統計年報, 1934
満洲統治論, 1934
満洲読本, 1934
滿洲商工事情, 1934
關東廰要覽, 1934
満洲経済統計年報, 1934 (2)
大連港勢一斑, 1934
民政篇, 1934
満洲主要都市商工便覧. 1935
日満を覗, 1935
北鮮三港比較, 1935
満洲読本, 1935
王道覇道と皇道政治, 1935
満洲社会事業年報, 1935
調査資料 第1,4,5,9, 1935
満洲国大系 日文 第12-24輯, 1935
望月文庫目録 慶應義塾圖書館藏書, 1935 (Chinese, English, Japanese)
満鮮遊記, 1935
滿洲國有鐵道冩眞帖 / Photo Sketch of Manchoukuo, 1935 (English, Japanese)
滿洲國有鐵道冩眞帖, 1935 (English, Japanese)
熱河の展望 / Jeho / Manchoukuo, 1935
日滿實業協會總會報告書, 1935
満鮮遊記, 1935
北鉄接収が北満に及ぼせる影響, 1935
満洲事変後新設されたる満洲関係会社, 1935
Stories and Gossips in my Journey Through Manchoukuo, 1935
日滿實業協會總會報告書, 1936
満洲国大系, 1936
経済資料一覧 東北帝国大学法文学部経済研究室 編, 1936
労働調査概報, 1936
康徳二年施設概要, 1936
関東局施政三十年史, 1936
農村実態調査一般調査報告書 吉林省磐石県 康徳3年度, 1936
満洲と日本, 1936
満洲国皇帝陸下東京市奉迎志, 1936
満鉄及満洲国々有鉄道運賃改正の影響, 1936
大連商工月報, 1937
協和會之概貌, 1937
躍進國都, 1937
満洲工場要覧, 1937
南満洲鉄道株式会社三十年略史, 1937
満洲読本, 1937
最新満洲帝国大観, 1937
満洲共産匪の研究, 1937
度満洲事業成績分析, 1938
Junge Mandschurei in Bildern, 1938 (English, German, Italian, Japanese)
华文大版每日, 3.6. 22, 1938
鴉片及麻薬関係法令集, 1938
満洲読本, 1938
滿洲經濟法令集, 1939
関東州経済図説, 1939
最近新京概観, 1939 (English, Japanese)
蒙疆の自然と文化:京城帝國大學蒙疆學術探檢隊報告書, 1939
満洲帝国国勢グラフ, 1939
Other Language Materials
По ту сторону китайской границы. Белый Харбин, 1930 (Russian)
Contributions aux Études Altaïques, 1932 (French)
Junge Mandschurei in Bildern, 1938 (English, German, Italian, Japanese)
Buprestidae de Mandchourie de la Collection Georg Frey, 1939 (French)
Click to view non-fiction books published in the 1940s.
English Materials
Manchkoukuo – A Comprehensive Pictorial Presentation, 1940 (English, Japanese)
Asian Odyssey, 1940
Shall America Stop Arming Japan, 1940
Shadow Over Asia the Rise of Militant Japan, 1941
Contemporary Japan, June, 1941
Legal Problems in the Far Eastern Conflict, 1941
The Climate of Pacific Asia, 1941
The Dragon Stirs, 1941
The Fight for the Pacific, 1941
Contemporary Japan, July ,1941
Contemporary Japan, November, 1942
Industrialization of the Western Pacific, 1942
Japan and the Opium Menace, 1942
My Life in China, 1926-1941, 1943
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1931-41V.1, 1943
China, 1944
Japanese Trade Studies, 1944
Far Eastern Propaganda Analysis no. 726-750 , 1944
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945,v.7, 1945
Enemy Japan, 1945
Japan’s Record and World Security, 1945
What Shall be Done About Japan After Victory, 1945
Destructive Insects of China, v.5, 1945
Epidemiology of the Diseases of Naval Imporance in Manchuria, 1946
China Yesterday and Today, 1946
Report to the President Submitted September, 1947 (English, Korean)
No Peace for Asia, 1947
Controlling Factors in the Future Development of the Chinese Coal Industry, 1947
Report [on] the Strategy and Tactics of World Communism, 1948
Chinese Materials
満洲図書館協会概要, 1940 (Chinese, Japanese)
満州帝国統計月報 第2巻 第1号, 1942 (Chinese, Japanese)
滿洲鑛工年鑑, 1942 (Chinese, Japanese)
美英侵略东亚史, 1942
躍進滿洲畫帖, 1942
满洲作家集, 1942
建国列传 第1卷, 1943
浅见渊满洲文化记, 1943
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part1 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part2 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part3 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part4 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part5 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part6 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part7 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part8 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part9 (Chinese, Japanese)
郑孝胥传, 1944
滿洲國政指導綜覽 (康德十一年版), 1944
Destructive Insects of China, v.8, 1945
Japanese Materials
Manchkoukuo – A Comprehensive Pictorial Presentation, 1940 (English, Japanese)
北満經濟月報, 1940
北満經濟月報, 1940
満洲図書館協会概要, 1940 (Chinese, Japanese)
大陸旅行の栞, 1940
電電, 1940
外務省公表集, 1940
満洲帝国統計摘要, 1940
満州国農産物統制関係法規, 1941
滿洲放送年鑑, 1941
吉林商工公会事業報告書, 1941
建国大学要覧, 1941
満洲帝国郵政事業概要. 1942
満州帝国統計月報 第2巻 第1号, 1942 (Chinese, Japanese)
満洲に於ける北支労働者及労働統制に就て, 1942
滿洲鑛工年鑑, 1942 (Chinese, Japanese)
滿洲鑛工年鑑, 1942
躍進満州畫帖 , 1942
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part1 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part2 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part3 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part4 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part5 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part6 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part7 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part8 (Chinese, Japanese)
Who’s_Who_in_Manchuria_,_1943_part9 (Chinese, Japanese)
Other Language Materials
Japan–Economic Development and Foreign Policy, A Selected List of References, 1940 (varied languages)
Schlag nach über China, Japan und Mandschukuo, 1941 (German)
Report to the President Submitted September, 1947 (English, Korean)